ASO Localization – Unlock Global Opportunities with OneSky

App store optimization—otherwise known as the best way to get your app in front of the eyes of your target audience—is one of the most important areas of focus in any successful app rollout. It’s estimated that 90% of Apple App Store users and 80% of Google Play users see a mere 10% of a page’s content. This means that it’s more important than ever to have your app preview optimized, localized, and perfected for your ideal prospect. 

The only question is: How? 

Below, we’re digging deep and covering what you need to know to succeed when it comes to app store optimization localization. We’ll be taking a look at how OneSky supports up-and-coming app developers and creators, challenges to anticipate, and solutions that can take your app to the top of the list. Read on to learn more. 

Understanding ASO Localization

App store optimization localization (ASO localization) is a specific branch of localization that operates in the context of a fully-optimized app store page (and any relevant assets by platform). The process still adheres to the best practices associated with localization as a concept—however, the platform or store-specific preferences can take equal or higher preference using this strategy. 

While ASO as a practice defines the different styles and preferences creators can use in their content to appeal to the app store’s algorithm, localization goes a step further—covering the process of optimization that companies do for a global rollout across multiple target audiences. 

This is one of the most important processes, as it directly affects your bottom line and overall brand perception. Investing in both areas of refinement sets apps apart in their respective global industries. 

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Benefits of ASO Localization with OneSky

Many creators find that the final product is only as strong as the different localization tools and apps used. The localization process to prepare an app for the global market may require a suite of tools to be fully effective—going beyond native language translation and into a more nuanced world of localization strategy and inference in each user experience. 

OneSky is your platform of choice as you work to expand to new markets. Here are just a few benefits you can expect to find with our service: 

  • Seamless integration with various app platforms. Integration in this area is critical. Why? Simply put, the Google Play Store, for example, has different preferences compared to the Apple App Store (and so on). While tools can offer fractional or general support, OneSky offers direct integration with systems that are used in both iOS and Android app development. This strengthens your overall ASO strategy and offers you the best possible opportunity for app growth. 
  • Access to professional translation services in 50+ languages. While translation is only a single part of app visibility and expansion into new markets, it is an important one. Keyword research and the keyword field as a whole can vary across dialects, and native speaker experts can be the key to bringing relevant keywords in the local language to search. This boosts app visibility and user acquisition in the global market of your choice—and it’s included in OneSky’s sleek and comprehensive platform. 
  • Cloud-based translation management system (TMS) that facilitates quick and efficient localization. App marketing moves fast—but our cloud-based system moves faster. Enjoy real-time updates around the world and a cohesive TMS that works with your global team throughout the app marketing process. 
  • Quality assurance that ensures culturally relevant and precise translations. Language can vary—from English to French, to Arabic, and more. A single wrong translation across your metadata, your app name, or your user experience can impair your user’s understanding of functionality and tarnish the quality of your app and brand perception. Our quality assurance (QA) system offers multiple touchpoints for the best possible end product. 

Challenges in ASO Localization

As you begin the process of localization across different languages, it’s important to realize the challenges that your team may run into before the finish line is crossed. Anticipating these slowdowns can streamline your project management process and give you built-in versatility to tackle them gracefully. 

Here are some of the most common challenges associated with localizing app store listing entries, app page and product page assets, and other elements of the user experience. 

Cultural nuances and language intricacies.

Nuance is king—whether you’re translating into Russian, Japanese, Portuguese or another language. The understanding of your app’s content directly impacts your conversion rate and app downloads. Additionally, direct translations and experiences can lead to discrepancies and brand perception issues later on, depending on how severely your content was taken out of context. 

App store algorithm changes 

Algorithms, much like SEO preferences, can evolve and change over time. Your app title and app’s metadata, however, don’t have to—especially when they’ve been optimized with translation and dialect-specific keywords that resonate with your target audience. More intensive localization legwork now brings more installs in the short term and can lessen additional changes later on. 

Consistency in translation across the app experience 

Any time you prepare an app for rollout, you run the risk of limiting or changing the app experience between regions in which it’s available. Translation consistency can be near-impossible without a solid translation management system in place, along with an ASO localization strategy to rely on as guidance. However, many case studies show success with OneSky’s intuitive TMS in app launch and refinement. 

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How OneSky Addresses These Challenges

We know there are plenty of options available for ASO localization and refinement. That’s why we have perfected our systems to ensure that you have the most comprehensive and efficient rollout possible. Here’s how we address the common challenges associated with ASO and ASO localization: 

  • Ensuring linguistic and cultural accuracy with native translators. Our translators are native speakers and are immersed in their culture—ensuring that we give you the highest quality end product, no matter what industry you serve. We currently offer translation in 50+ languages for your convenience and use. 
  • Keeping up-to-date with app store changes and providing clients with the latest best practices. App platforms are dynamic, and so are we. Our experts stay up-to-date on all of the latest app platform changes and best practices to boost your chances of landing in front of your ideal prospect. We have become subject matter experts and have years of shared experience across operating systems—saving you the legwork and time spent researching yourself. 
  • Low, accessible pricing. OneSky allows creators like you to start completely free of charge, lowering the possible barriers between you and your app’s growth. 

Streamline Your ASO Localization Efforts with OneSky

App store optimization and localization are two key areas of focus in every successful application rollout. While they can take resources and planning upfront, it is well worth it—as it directly impacts your bottom line and position in the app platform of your choice.

OneSky’s intuitive, cloud-based TMS is designed to anticipate challenges in the ASO and ASO localization process(es), providing centralized translation and localization support at every step of your app’s deployment. Creators can start for free by connecting with OneSky online today.

Mandy Fong

Head of Sales, OneSky

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